AGB Meet the Team Tony Pollitt

Tony Pollitt

Tony is a qualified Chartered Accountant who worked with Coopers & Lybrand in Sydney, and then transferred to the London office for 3 years, during this time he managed multiple projects in Eastern Europe. With a commitment to continuous learning, Tony obtained an MBA, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Driven by a passion for creativity, Tony subsequently worked in the pay television industry with roles at Showtime and Foxtel. As part of these roles, he was responsible for the investments in film and television projects. Working within creative teams, Tony seamlessly combines financial acumen with an understanding of the creative process, ensuring that projects thrived within budgetary constraints. Since leaving pay television, Tony has utilised these negotiating, contracting and financial skills in the field of live events. This unique blend of financial precision, whilst understanding the artistic innovation has made Tony an invaluable contributor to both the financial and creative spheres.


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