Grounded Melbourne

“Grounded” transforms Indigenous artworks and stories onto the ground. People of all ages immerse themselves in art by stepping into the activation and become a part of the stunning experience.

A showcase of the Northern Territory’s popular “Parrtjima”, this was the first time the immersive light installation and soundscape was shown outside of its home. Parrtjima showcases the oldest continuous cultures on Earth through the latest technology against the incredible MacDonnell Ranges – a 300-million-year-old natural canvas. This showcase is just one of the ways the event continues to attract interstate audiences.

Showcasing Parrtjima – A Festival of Light to a new audience driving tourism to Alice Springs
Event Concept and Development, Creative Direction, Curation, Digital Storytelling, Event Management and Delivery
General Public
10-11 March 2023
Grounded Melbourne
Grounded Melbourne 2
Grounded Melbourne 1


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