Noël Christmas SkyShow

Redefining Christmas storytelling, 500 drones took to the skies over Farm Cove to spread the Christmas spirit across Sydney. 

The event featured two spectacular shows each night, with the dazzling drones dancing to a live bespoke soundtrack as Santa spreads peace, joy and love across the skies enchanting young and old alike. The Christmas narrative highlights the wonder and magic of Christmas as it tracks Santa’s journey from the North Pole to Sydney, featuring a popular Australian icon and wishing all a Happy Christmas. 

Create a new Christmas festival for Sydney-siders. Future nostalgia moments for all communities.
Event Concept and Development, Event Management, Drone SkyShow
General Public, Families, Visiting Friends and Relatives
18-24 December 2022
Noel SkyShow 1
Noel SkyShow 1
Noel SkyShow 2